
We promote
 Peace   Dialogue   Friendship 

Intercultural Dialogue Institute is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advance social cohesion via(through) personal interaction by promoting respect and mutual understanding among people of all cultures and faiths through dialogue and partnership.

Our Mission

Intercultural Dialogue Institute aims to promote enduring interfaith and intercultural cooperation, tolerance and dialogue by sharing our differences and similarities in an effort to enhance civil society, to promote the development of human values, and to advance diversity and multiculturalism in the society. The Institute aims to eliminate or reduce false stereotypes, prejudices and unjustified fears through direct human communication. By this mission IDI aims to contribute to improvement of diversity, pluralism and multiculturalism throughout Canada.

Our History

IDI was formed in 2010 as a joint effort of several organizations and currently have 11 chapters and regional office in major cities of five Canadian province.

The Institute is not a religious or ethnic organisation. It aims to facilitate dialogue on a whole range of social issues, regardless of any particular faith or religion. It stands for democracy, human rights, the non-instrumentalisation of religion in politics, equality and freedom of speech.

Our Vision

The vision of Intercultural Dialogue Institute is to contribute to Canada’s diverse and multicultural atmosphere by service and contribution to society. We dream for a cosmopolitan world of peace, tolerance, love and compassion where:

  • The environment and all life is cherished, protected, and improved,
  • Religious and cultural fears & hatred are replaced with understanding and respect
  • People come to know and care for their neighbors
  • The richness of human and religious diversity is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, and societal life
  • Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a better Canada using their richness of wisdom and compassion

Let us be true global citizens. Let us not rest until we have truly succeeded in bringing positive change into the lives of people, and laid the foundations for peaceful, well-functioning, sustainable societies throughout the world.

Rarely has there been a moment in recent history when it has been so critical for all of us to protect our common space, building on what unites us. Again, I ask, if not us, then who?